Monday, March 18, 2013

Labor official talks tough on Qatarization

The private sector has no excuse not to set aside 20 percent of its jobs for nationals, a Labor Ministry official has said in an interview with Al Sharq.

Companies ignoring the directive will “have to face the music,” Undersecretary Hussein Al Mulla said.

According to the
Qatar Statistics Authority, non-Qataris constitute 99.7 percent of the country’s private sector workforce. This is despite a 1997 Emiri decree that nationals account for one fifth of employees at companies in the private sector.

Industry experts say this is because the private sector doesn’t do enough to attract local talent; that government jobs are easier to get, pay better and entail shorter workdays; and finally, that there simply aren’t enough Qataris to fill the quotas that have been set.

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