Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bahrain: Enhancing industry

Having commenced 2013 with a number of new and noteworthy industrial projects in both private and public sectors, Bahrain should be able to continue to diversify its portfolio and expand its industrial base.
In terms of recent public projects, there are three sizable investments in the pipeline expected to come to market between the fourth quarter of 2013 and the first quarter of 2014: $4.8bn in funds for expansion and modernisation efforts at the Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO); $2.5bn for new developments at Aluminium Bahrain ( Alba ); and $1.2bn for the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company ( GPIC ).
The BAPCO Modernisation Programme (BMP), which originally planned to inject $8bn-11bn in new projects through joint ventures, will now proceed with a $4.8bn target to be financed through bonds and sukuk offerings. The company is currently appointing an advisory bank to oversee the financing.

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